りんご味 6個入りApple flavor (6 sachets)
マンゴー味 6個入りMango flavor
(6 sachets) -
もも味 6個入りPeach flavor (6 sachets)
ぶどう味 6個入りGrape flavor (6 sachets)
マスカット味 6個入りMuscat flavor
(6 sachets) -
みかん味 6個入りMikan tangerine flavor (6 sachets)
抹茶味 6個入りMatcha green tea flavor (6 sachets)
コーヒー味 6個入りCoffee flavor
(6 sachets) -
カフェオレ風味 6個入りCafé au lait flavor
(6 sachets) -
アソート27個Assorted (27 sachets)
メガパックMega pack
(12 sachets - A) -
(12 sachets - B) -
(36 sachets)
果汁100%100% Fruit Juice Jelly
フローズンゼリーFrozen Jelly
生芋こんにゃくRaw Potato Konnyaku

- 「安心、安全」の想いSafety and high quality
- デリシャンは安心、安全で高品質な素材を使用し
クリーンな環境で国内製造Délichien is produced in Japan using safe, high-quality ingredients under the most hygienic conditions possible.
- 「美味しい」の期待に応えるA truly delicious taste
- 厳選された素材を活かした加工方法で、
おいしくてまた食べたくなる!Délichien is the tastiest food you can give to your very special companion, and this is due to the excellent production method we employ that maximizes the best of carefully selected ingredients. It is so incredibly delicious your dog will want to eat it time and time again!
- 「こだわり」の商品Carefully selected ingredients
- グレインフリーで無添加、栄養素も豊富で低カロリー
こんなにもデリシャンはわんちゃんに優しいDélichien is grain free, low in calories and highly nutritious. It is also made with no artificial additives, such as preservatives, fragrances and colorants, making it a truly healthy option for your best friend.
- 「喜ぶわんちゃん」と「幸せな私」Happy dog equals happy owner
- デリシャンは、「わんちゃんの身体と心を大切にする」がコンセプト
そんなデリシャンが大好きThe main aim of Délichien is to specifically support a dog’s physical and mental health. Not only will your pet love to eat it, but you will also equally enjoy feeding it to them.